Since 1977, LSC has pioneered in the production of the world's most reliable & accurate Process Refractometers and Automatic Black Liquor Divert Systems. We are known around the world for unique innovation without compromise, sophistication while maintaining user simplicity, and superb service to our extremely wide customer base. We pride our sensors in being extremely universal and can create custom flow devices so our sensors can be easily adapted to any industrial process line.
Click on the images above to learn about how LSC refractometers help serve a wide variety of industries.
We provide dependable 24/7/365 instrumentation ensuring our customers have a consistent end product which is crucial for many reasons depending on which industry is utilizing our equipment. Refractometers otherwise referred to as Black Liquor Density Meters, Brix meters or Concentration sensors. Our process instruments provide continuous In-Line measurement of concentration / liquid density in relevant engineering units. (% by Weight, % Solids, Brix, Refractive Index, Baume, etc)
In pulp & paper, controlling the process to certain target points allows an improved / streamlined kraft process. This results in maximum energy efficiency which is critial considering the competitive global market we all work in. It also ensures the process is operating within safe parameters.
In industries like chemical, food, dairy & sugar this is also true. However, more importantly is quality control. Creating & maintaining brand loyalty is paramount. Our Refractometers provides Quality Assurance making sure your product is consistent when its purchased by your customers will help gain & control market share. You will also save money by reducing waste.
Whether assisting an operator to know when they are approaching the desired target point or fully automating the process via our 4-20 mA outputs, we enjoy working with our customers and assisting them to produce the highest quality products.